How Edmonton's new temporary mask bylaw will work at Fitset Ninja

As many of you are already aware, the City of Edmonton is introducing a Temporary Mandatory Face Coverings Bylaw as of Friday, September 3rd. Here’s how this bylaw will factor into your visits here to Fitset Ninja:

  • All guests must wear a face covering (a medical or non-medical mask or other face covering that fully covers the nose, mouth, and chin) while in our facility.

    • The exemption to this is that while you’re engaging in physical exercise on the course and using the obstacles, wearing a face covering is optional, though still encouraged. However, once you leave the course (going to the washroom, exiting the building after class, etc.) you must put your face covering back on.

  • Even if parents and spectators are “on the course”, they must still wear a face covering if they are just watching or taking pictures/videos, etc. Again, the only exemption is if the parent is also actively participating in the class/open gym (engaged in physical activity using the obstacles.)

  • Face coverings are not mandatory while outside on the Ninja Park but must be worn if you need to enter the building (going to the washroom, etc.)

Please note that in order for us to ensure this is as smooth and hassle-free as possible for both customers and our staff, there will be no other exceptions to the above policies. In the case where you are not able to wear a mask for medical reasons, please wear an alternative appropriate face covering instead such as a face shield. If you’re not able to wear any form of face covering whatsoever, we ask that you simply drop off/pick up your child for class/open gym, etc. without entering the building. We’re happy to work with you to coordinate a staff member walking your child out to your vehicle after their visit if needed, just shoot us a message and we’ll set that up with you :)

The Fitset Ninja Team

Benjamin Lavin